Card Text[]
Special Attack - attack an enemy to start a fuse, explodes at the end of turn
Creeper and Charged Creeper have Ambush, this isn't mentioned on the card.
Ambush - Capable of moving or attacking immediately
Explode - The unit destroys itself to deal 5 damage on surrounding tiles
Creeper is a low cost card that has high removal power. To some extent, it can be treated similarly to attack consumables.
When struck by lightning (assuming it survives) it becomes a Charged Creeper, which has a much higher damage output.
You can also use Creeper Aggressively, giving it extra movement with cards like Speed Potion and igniting it with Flint and Steel by your opponent's hero without them having a chance to react.
Version 3.0
Updated the card to show Ambush trait
Version 2.0
Changed card background to new common rarity coloring
Increased cost from 3 -> 5
Changed fuse time to be only 1 turn

Version 1.0
Added Creeper