Relics From The Deck Wiki

Armor is one of the five stats every entity has, along with Health, Range, Speed and Damage. Armor sits on top of a unit's Health and usually needs to be removed completely before any Health can be taken. One damage instance cannot remove Armor and Health at the same time, i.e. an attack can only take Health if the target's armor is already at 0. Certain effects like Wither Damage and Poison Damage, aswell as the card Piercing can bypass Armor. Some units, especially buildings, spawn with Armor applied, but it can always be added via certain cards.



Because of Armor's special properties, it is extra effective at blocking occasional hard hits, rather than constant poke. Applying Armor on your units gets more valuable on low-health but hard hitting units as in for example Vex and Bee, where just one armor point can make the difference between taking down an important enemy and getting one-shot instantly.


The optimal way to counter Armor will depend on the distribution of Armor among enemy units. If the enemy has a couple of heavily armored units, like you would see in Killer Rabbit decks, Piercing and cards that apply Wither Damage are solid options to completely ignore the Armor. Fire Damage can also be a effective choice for melting the Armor down, allowing for bigger attacks to go through.

Dealing with tiny amounts of spread out Armor is a bit more tricky. Your best bet is applying AoE damage, preferably Fire Damage, with cards like Blaze Strike or Ice Storm. Miner's Resilience is also a great counter, especially if you have a strong unit on the board already. Additionally, a long ranged unit, like Shulker, paired with the Piercing buff can help pick off small, armored units safely without spending EXP.

List of cards that apply Armor[]
